sâmbătă, 4 octombrie 2008

One Mississippi...

I tried to sleep the day off but unfortunately I was brutally interrupted in my ambition by the recent news: Sorry:P...As I opened my eyes and my conscience, I realised what it was saying:

It has started!

As I was dragging my numb to the ordinary proceedings, further news arrived, until, finally, ended!For today. For them.
For me, it will hardly ever end. I will bury the hardly though, and plant nice dizzy roses on its tomb, then I will go and shop for a barely, put some make up on it and tranform it into a maybe.

2 comentarii:

ahri spunea...

It must have been someone very very evil with that "Sorry :p" part. I'd beat him to death if I was you. ;)

ralooka spunea...

I think I've done enough to him when saying: "maybe next week":)