sâmbătă, 28 februarie 2009

Let my people go!

Cuz it's a new day, it's a new life! Changed my mind. I'm not getting married! In spite of his good heart and deep sorrow. I'm sorry. I must be free. Today! This new year starting today!

vineri, 27 februarie 2009

Suma de la n=1 la K

- Inchide apa!
- Da de ce?Se incalzeste!
- Da tu cand ai lasat lumina aprinsa la bucatarie nu costa?
-Nu eu am lasat-o!
-Ba da, tu ai lasat-o, cand ai luat ultima suc!
- Ei si ce daca, lumina costa mai putin ca apa calda!

-Te rog nu mai insista!
- De ce????

sâmbătă, 7 februarie 2009

Opened the door. Checked if I were alright. Closed the door. Content. The last glance. And left.